Original Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
0. Sasaki, N. and Yoshimoto, A. (2009) Carbon payments for forest conservation in Cambodia – A case study in evergreen forest. (accepted)
1. Kim Phat, N., Ouk, S., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T. (1999) Analysis of forest management problems in Cambodia – a case study of F company. Journal of Forest Planning 5, 65-71
2. Kim Phat, N., Ouk, S., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T., (2000) Stand dynamics of Dipterocarp trees in Cambodia’s evergreen forest and management implications- A case study in Sandan district, Kampong Thom. Journal of Forest Planning 6, 13-23
3. Kim Phat, N., Ouk, S., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T. (2001) A case study of the current situation for forest concessions in Cambodia – Constraints and prospects. Journal of Forest Planning 7 (2), 59-67
4. Kim Phat, N., Knorr, W. and Kim S., (2004) Appropriate measures for conservation of terrestrial carbon stocks – analysis of trends of forest management in Southeast Asia. Forest Ecology and Management 191, 283-299 (Impact Factor: 2.110)
5. Kim, S., Kim Phat, N., Koike, M., Hayashi H. (2005) Cause of historical destruction of forest resource in Cambodia. Journal of Forest Planning 11, 23-31
6. Kim, S., Kim Phat, N., Koike, M., Hayashi H. (2006) Estimating actual and potential government revenues from timber harvesting in Cambodia. Forest Policy and Economics 8, 625-635 (Impact Factor: 0.768)
7. Sasaki, N. (2006) Carbon emissions due to land-use change and logging in Cambodia- a modeling approach. Journal of Forest Research 11, 397-403 (Impact Factor: 0.741)
8. Kim, S., Sasaki, N., and Koike (2008) Assessment of non-timber forest products in Phnom Kok community forest, Cambodia. Asia Europe Journal 6 (2), 345-354
9. Sasaki, N. and Kim, S. (2009) Biomass carbon sinks in Japanese forests: 1966–2012. Forestry: 82(1),113-123 (Impact factor: 1.472)
10. Sasaki, N., Knorr, W., Foster, D.R., Ninomiya, H., Etoh, H., Chay, S., Kim, S., Sun, S. (2009) Woody biomass and bioenergy potentials in Southeast Asia between 1990 and 2020. Applied Energy 86 (S1), S140-S150 (Impact Factor: 1.371)
11. Sasaki, N. and Putz, F.E. (2009) Critical need for new definitions of forest and forest degradation in global climate change agreements. Conservation Letters 2, 226–232
12. Putz, F.E. and Sasaki, N. (2009) What is ‘forest’: response to Guariguata et al."?Conservation Letters 2, 288–289
13. 江藤 寛子,佐々木 ノピア(2010)欧州と日本における木質バイオマス利用促進政策の比較.日本森林学会誌92(2)(印刷中)
Review Articles
14. Kim Phat, N., Ouk, S., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T. (1998) カンボジアにおける森林現状と課題。日林中部論集 46, 213-216
15. Kim Phat, N., Ouk, S., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T. (1999) An outline of the causes of deforestation in Cambodia. Transactions of Japanese Forestry Society 109, 142-146
16. Kim Phat, N., Ouk, S., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T. (1999) カンボジアにおけるマングローブ林の現状と課題ーコーコン州を事例として. 日林中部論集 47, 163-166
17. Kim Phat, N., Kim, S., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T., (2002) An outline of the causes of illegal logging in Cambodia –constraints and prospects-.日林中部論集 50, 147-151
18. Kim, S., Kim Phat, N., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T. (2002) The impacts of floods on environment and economic development in Cambodia. 日林中部論集 50, 134-139
19. Sasaki, N. and Smith, B. (2008) Potential carbon sequestration in Japanese forests during the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. FORMATH 7, 1-14
20. Kim, S., Sasaki, N., and Koike (2008) The role of resin trees in poverty alleviation – a case study in Phnom Kok forest community in Cambodia. FORMATH 7, 161-178
21. 江藤 寛子,佐々木 ノピア(2008)木質バイオマス資源からみる温室効果ガス削減の可能性に関する研究.FORMATH 7, 239-252.
Peer-reviewed Articles under Reviews
R1 Sasaki, N., Asner, G., Knorr, W., Davies, S.J., Durst, P., & Putz, F.E. (2009) Restoring degraded natural forests in the tropics to mitigate global climate change. (under reviews)
R2 Etoh, H. and Sasaki, N. (2010) Using woody biomass from thinned wood to generate bioenergy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Japan. (under reviews)
R3 江藤 寛子,佐々木 ノピア,二之宮 弘(2009)木質バイオマス発電における 収益性 -課題と展望- .日本森林学会誌,1次査読通過,修正論文提出中
International Proceedings
22. Kim Phat, N., Uozumi, Y., Ueki, T., Drury, W. (1998) Analysis on the demand for Cambodia’s forest products. In Yoshimoto, A. & Yukutake, K. (eds) Proceedings of International Symposium on Global Concerns for Forest Utilization – Sustainable Use and Management. Japan Society of Forest Planning Press: 111-121
23. Sasaki, N., Yoshida, T. & Yamamoto, H. (2009) Implications of climate change agreements on forest management in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Proceedings of the Workshop on Strategic Research Framework of Natural Resources & Environmental Management Issues in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand. 8-9 October 2009. Mae Fah Luang University: 10-19
Research Bulletin
24. Kim Phat, N., Kim S., Ouk, S., Uozumi, Y., and Ueki, T. (2002) Management of mixed forest in Cambodia – A case study in Sandan district, Kampong Thom. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University 38, 45-54
25. Kim Phat, N., Ouk, S., Uozumi, Y., Ueki, T., and Kim S. (2002) Management of mixed deciduous forest in central Cambodia- A case study in Sandan district. Bulletin of Shinshu University Forest Research 2, 290-309
Book Chapter
26. Kim Phat, N. (2005) Carbon emissions from deforestation and logging in tropical forests – a Cambodian case study. In Naito, K. (eds) The Role of Forests for Coming Generations – Philosophy and Technology for Forest Resource Management. Japan Society of Forest Planning Press: 341-356
27. House, J., Brovkin, V., Betts, R., Constanza, B., Silva Dias, M. A., Holland, B., Kim Phat, N., Riebesel, U., Scholes, M., Prentice, C., le Quèrè, C., Tegan, I., Manizza, M., Barrett, D. (2005) Climate and air quality. Chapter 13 of the UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA): 181-216 Island Press
28. Kim Phat, N., Knorr, W. and Susandi, A. (2006) The role of improved tropical forest management in climate change mitigation and sustainable development. In Fort, B. and Iglesias, S. (eds) The Jakarta 12 Asia-Europe Agendas for Sustainable Development. 106-111. Singapore
29. Sasaki, N. and Yoshimoto (2008) A forest resource management and mathematical modeling”. FORMATH Vol. 7. Japan Society of Forest Planning Press, 272p
Research report
30. Kim Phat, N. (1999) Forests and forest industry in Cambodia. A step toward forest conservation strategy (2). –Interim Report 1999- IGES (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies) Forest Conservation Project: 1-31 (査読なし)